A Chaotic Bounty Hunter
"Oops. I accidentally hit a nerve. Oh, do you think you can take me on? Here, I won't use my katana so you stand a chance."
Sef is to put short, a troublemaker. He lives for a scene being created and will even do so to cause a scene. He loves instigating and causing conflict for his own amusement and will antagonize whomever he feels like. He is also a master of the art of trash talking due to his antics, further antagonizing his targets for his amusement. Because Sef’s job makes him move around from one place to another, there is no singular place that he resides in.
Sef is a highly skilled swordsman who wields a golden katana infused with energy. This energy can be unleashed in the form of powerful lightning magic, which can be focused on a single target or dispersed towards multiple targets simultaneously. He also has the ability to envelop himself in lightning magic, providing both protection and a tremendous boost in speed. If Sef's danger sense, attributed to his kitsune nature, alerts him to a serious threat, he can tap into his spiritual form, manifesting as a formidable demon that exponentially enhances his abilities, giving him the ability to fly. His Danger Sense allows him to perceive the opponent's aura, with the size of the aura indicating their skill and power level.
Fighting Style
"Why are you losing? To be blunt, because you suck."

If Sef's danger sense determines that the opponent is not a threat, he will view their aura as small and indulge in toying with them if he is not in a hurry. He will engage in trash talking and scrutinize every mistake the opponent makes. He will take his time defeating the opponent to ensure that they feel a profound sense of despair with no hope of winning. However, if Sef detects that the opponent's aura is high, he will approach the fight cautiously and actively seek a counterattack. Although Sef is skilled in various swordsmanship styles, his primary focus is on Kenjutsu (dueling), and he employs Iaido (releasing energy while unsheathing) for his lightning releases. This counterattacking fighting style also applies to his hand-to-hand combat abilities, as he can fight without using a weapon. When he starts feeling pressure, he transforms into his spiritual form, relying on his speed and power to go on the offensive.
A Night at the Bar"Damn it! I can't believe someone just stole my bounty like that. It was worth a couple million gil, and I watched it happen right before my eyes!" A frustrated Midlander shares his disbelief while seated at a table with fellow adventurers.
"Yeah, this isn't the first time this has happened. Bounties for high-profile targets keep disappearing, and someone is taking them out," another adventurer, a male Xaela, adds, slamming his drink down, causing vodka to spill. The two drunk individuals continue discussing the swift claiming of bounties.
"I remember seeing some fox guy collecting a ton of gil from the hunt board, now that I think about it," the Xaela says, looking to his left and spotting Sef as he drinks his sake. "It's him!"
The two approach Sef, and the Midlander slams the counter, grabbing the attention of everyone in the bar.
"Are you the one who keeps claiming all the bounties?" he confronts Sef.
Sef stares back with his heterochromatic eyes. "Me? Why would I do such a thing?"
The Xaela gives him a fierce glare. "Don't fuck with me! I saw you claiming the bounties in Kugane! The fox had purple highlights, just like yours!"
"That's quite rude, accusing me simply because I resemble the person you're seeking. Are you absolutely sure it's me? It could be someone else entirely. I would never dream of claiming someone else's bounty," Sef replies calmly.
"No, it's definitely you! Remember yesterday when you claimed all that gil when three of those boards were taken down?" the Xaela persists.
Sef takes a moment to think, sipping his sake, and then smirks. "Ah, yes. I do recall that. I did mention I could use the gil, and those individuals weren't much of a challenge. In fact, they were rather disappointing."
The Midlander confronts Sef, getting in his face. "Leave some bounties for others, or you'll regret it."
Sef finishes his sake, looks down at the empty cup to check for more, and responds nonchalantly, "Oh, really? And what will you do about it?"
The Midlander attempts to throw a punch. Sef's free hand parries the blow as he sets down the empty cup. A quick counter with an elbow strike from the kitsune causes the midlander to stagger in pain. Sef assesses both adversaries and notices their weak aura. "You're wasting your time if you think you can take me on."
After a few minutes of the two intoxicated men futilely attempting to fight Sef, they end up on the ground, bruised and unconscious. Sef smirks and leans over to whisper to the bartender, "Let me have a few more sakes for the road, and put them on their tab." The bartender looks at him with confusion regarding why he would want to charge the drinks to the two fallen men, but complies and hands Sef the drinks. Sef exits the bar, continuing his night.